New Poster + New Illustration + New Craziness!!!

Ey yey yey!

Where is the time going? Where has the time gone? Where am I? Oh, that’s right — in big business-owned hell, that’s where! That’s why it’s time to tack the reigns on life and DIY it up once again @ my once-a-year haven in the geek world — the Motor City Comicon! Yeah, I’ll have a table AND something very new for folks to buy! That’s right — give me your money. All of it! More news on when you’ll pass of your loot to me soon. Get excited. Go crazy go nuts.

In the meantime, pop your peepers on the new Bang! poster — this one’s for the secret DIA gig that I’ve been hinting at, but haven’t yet spilled the beans on. Yup, The Bang! is headed to Detroit for a special night — so special we’re sharing the bill with a boxing ring, complete with LIVE boxing and lucha libre mexican wrestling (!!!!!). For real. This thing should be downright silly. Add in the Museum surroundings and we’ve got the recipe for tasty outrageous deliciousness!

But that’s not all, folks! Nope, why would it be? Life is too short, just like mini-ponies (even if they are cute). So, before I overstate my welcome, here’s the long-awaited color version of my newest Vault of Midnight masterpiece. Catch it in my newest comic — coming sooner than soon and later than it should.

Til next time — xxoo y’all lots. Lets eat BBQ together real soon!